Monday, March 22, 2004

2 Men's Life

Barry Golson, the editor of Men's Life wrote in the premiere issue, October/November 1990, that the aim "is to put out a good all-around magazine for men in their 30s and beyond. . .We don't have a readership yet, though we know there are a lot of like-minded readers out there." Apparently, there never was a readership for this type of generalist men's interest magazine (adventure, career, women, kids, sports, ideas, humor), because this was the first and last issue.

In writing about the contributors, the editor offered a diverse range of voices--humorists, investigative journalists, financial writers and babe watchers. One writer, listed as contributing editor, was Mike Kelly, who I am guessing is the same who soon after this issue appeared began his travels in the Middle East and wrote "Martyrs' Day; Chronicle of a Small War" (1993) and was killed in Iraq in 2003.

Like Martha's pull out stencil card, this magazine has pull out "handy wallet guides" to tipping, dining at reasonable rates, and the parts of a chicken. The health article is on needing bifocals, the entertainment story is about Michael and Kirk Douglas, and the fashion break through is "The great American tie quiz" and a blazer buying guide.

I suspect this magazine had no focus, no pizazz, no punch and no audience. I'm not surprised issue two never made it to the news stands or mailboxes of America.

Men's Life
October/November 1990, Premiere Issue, Vol.I, no.1
Status: Ceased after first issue
ISSN 1051-8029
Subject: Men's Interests
publication schedule bi-monthly
Murdoch Magazines
News America Publishing
1211 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
$2.95 single; $8.99 6 issues
Editor in Chief/Publication Director: Barry Golson
Publisher: Leo Scullin


At 3:23 PM, November 27, 2012 , Blogger Norma said...

NYT Oct. 27, 1990: "The publisher, Leo E. Scullin, who earlier this week called rumors of the magazine's demise "decidedly premature," said yesterday that it would have taken too much of an investment to put it firmly on its feet. He said Men's Life, published by Murdoch Magazines, a division of the News Corporation, was a victim of the severe cutbacks in magazine advertising.

Mr. Scullin termed the first issue a success because it had attracted "7 out of the first 10 print advertisers" and sold 250,000 newsstand copies. "I guess we got everything right but the weather," he said. "From the day we opened our doors until today, things just got bleaker."


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