Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Lily; beautiful living through faith

Lily; beautiful living through faith

If you bought a copy of Lily in Spring 2006, that would be two of us. I can't find any record that it existed, not in a news release or a demise story, although one of the columnists does list her article on her vita. I suspect the field--soft Christian with parenting advice, health tips, decorating and recipes, was just a bit over crowded. It sort of has that Oprahish, scrapbookish spiritual look.

"From the editor" by Wanda J. Ventling: "I, too, have a heart for God, and it has been my desire to create a widely available Christian-lifestyle magazine that meets both spiritual and practical needs since I wrote a business proposal for one in college.. I believe God planted this seed, and He has been faithful to bring an incredible group of people to nurture Lily's development." Ms. Ventling's name appears on several other Meredith publications as a writer or editor.

Articles written by well-known Christian authors such as James Dobson, Gary Smalley, Joyce Meyer; includes book and movie reviews.

One of the tips is in the lower left corner of the cover, "Meredith Specials." Sometimes these become magazines, sometimes not.

Lily; beautiful living through faith
Spring 2006, Premier Issue
Status: Newstand
Subject: Christian lifestyle, creativity, family, parenting, women
Publication schedule: quarterly
Published by: Meredith Corporation
Address: 1716 Locust Street, LN-218
DesMoines, IA 50309-3023
no website
$5.99 single
Editor: Wanda J. Ventling
Editorial Director: Gayle Goodson Butler
Chairman and CEO Meredith: William T. Kerr

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